Sunday, December 2, 2007

A vote for Romney is a vote for Rudy

For weeks people have been saying, "A vote for Huckabee is a vote for Rudy." They thought of Mike Huckabee as just a spoiler who had no chance outside of Iowa. Well, this was all before this weekend. Conservatives are now coalescing around Huckabee.

The Rasmussen daily tracking poll now has Mike Huckabee clearly in 2nd place nationally. He is within 5% of Rudy Giuliani who is currently leading. This same poll shows Mike Huckabee a full 6% ahead of Mitt Romney nationally.

Polls in Iowa have Mike in first place, but this is not the only early state in which he is polling strong. New polls show Huckabee in 3rd place in New Hampshire, 3rd place in South Carolina, and 2nd place in Florida. These are all states Huckabee wasn't competitive in until recently.

It is clear that the Republican base is flocking to the Huckabee campaign. Mitt Romney is quickly being pushed aside because voters no longer feel like they need to compromise consistency and authenticity just to have a conservative alternative to Rudy Giuliani. With the momentum that Mike Huckabee now has, it is very likely that he will be in a head to head match up with Rudy on Super Tuesday (Feb. 5th). The hold out conservatives left in the Romney camp need to see this and realize that Huckabee is the true conservative alternative. A vote for Romney at this point is a vote for Rudy.

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